How do you enforce legal orders? After a Judge has entered an order regarding your children’s conservatorships, visitation and possession and access and/or child support you may find yourself in a situation where the other party is not abiding by the Judge’s orders. Should you find yourself in a situation where the other party has violated the Judge’s orders the Court can enforce these orders. The Court can also find the individual who is in violation of these orders in contempt of Court. If you find yourself dealing with one of the above referenced issues, Mr. Pelley’s office is prepared to obtain accountability and justice that you and/or your children deserve.
Details will vary on a case-by-case basis. Should you find yourself in a like or similar situation where the opposing party is in violation of the court's prior order, call immediately and schedule a free consultation with Mr. Pelley and his staff in order to rectify what is most assuredly an emotional and financially difficult situation. Mr. Pelley will assist you in holding the opposing party accountable for his or her contemptuous conduct.